Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One Did It –

I just wanted to find out what my eco backpack was like. Finland's hiking rep in Scandinavia, Hendrik Morkel, has a hiking blog that also included this. It's a bit difficult to accurately calculate this at the moment because I don't have my electricity bill in front of me and I have only been living in my current apartment for one month. Further, heating isn't necessary much in April/May, so it's hard to say how much heating I really do use. For these questions it's optional to select 'European Average', though I believe my average heating use to be above the European average, and my other electricity use to be below. This is because I have 2 appliances (a coffee machine and a water boiler), a fridge, and a laptop computer. All the lights in my apartment are halogen energy saving lights that last two years.

One Did It – And more should do it. It's fun! There's a similar test featured in the Deutsches Museum in Munich that I tried which was quite nice. It asked a lot more specific questions as well about how often you take baths/showers and for how long. I think my profile would look even better if this test asked those same questions :P

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